Creating your own Oauth2 server using Laravel Passport —client credentials flow
Table of contents
- Initial config — Recommend you start here
- Setting up authorization code flow + with PKCE
- Creating your own Oauth2 server using Laravel Passport — client credentials flow — You are here
- Creating your own Oauth2 server using Laravel Passport — Password grant flow
- Creating your own Oauth2 server using Laravel Passport — Implicit grant flow
- Creating your own Oauth2 server using Laravel — Device Grant flow
NB: I’m assuming you’ve already read the initial config article above if not kindly have a look before continuing with this article.
What we will do
- We will implement client credential flow.
Client credentials flow is used to authenticate the whole application to an auth server and is used to allow the app to interact with API’s in the OAuth server. This allows for machine to machine interaction without involving an intermediary unlike the authorization code flow.
An analogy to this, suppose you(Client app) want to query how many purchases has been made from your friend (Oauth2-Server app), so you can keep on asking him (polling) and he’ll reply. Your friend decides to go on a vacation and as a result he leaves a system which you pass in your name, and a secret that only you two know. If you pass in the correct credentials the system will issue you an access token which you can then use to make the api request to check the purchases.
This flow is summarized as
- You send a request to your friend with your name and a secret.
- Your friend verifies this data and if it’s correct issues you with an access token.
- You take the access token and perform other tasks on your friend’s system.
Step 1: Creating the ‘Client Credentials’ client in OAuth2-Server app
We create the client by running the following command
php artisan passport:client --client
You should have something like this
And in your database you should have something like this
Step 2: Adding new API to Ouath2-Server app
We first need to register the CheckClientCredentials middleware as shown below.
We will add a new API just to demonstrate the use of the flow. I am adding the api GET: api/users
which will be used to get a list of users in the system. We set the middleware for this to be passport.client
Step 3: Getting the access token
I’m going to be using postman to create the request to get the access token.
Step 4: using the access token
To use the token we set the token in the Authorization header as Authorization: Bearer {our token}
And that’s it.
Hopefully you can now implement your own Oauth2 server. Leave a clap and feedback if you found this helpful.
You should always use scopes to limit what an access token issued can do in your system. The principle of lease privilege.
What next
- — Github repo for this tutorial
- Laravel Passport — Laravel — The PHP Framework For Web Artisans